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Sandi Mele Blog

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Styling Strategies Sandi Mele Styling Strategies Sandi Mele

Spring Cleaning Series (Part 2!): To Capsule or Not to Capsule? Learn the WHY Behind Living with Less in Your Wardrobe

This is part two of my spring cleaning series all about the WHY of a capsule wardrobe. Many of my personal styling clients face an overwhelming task when they walk into a wardrobe stuffed with clothing. Physical clutter equals mental clutter, and a big wardrobe may prevent you from seeing new outfit options. It's likely you’ll reach for the same things you always wear when you have a large wardrobe, even though you have more things hanging in your closet!

Learn more about the important perks of a capsule wardrobe when you read this blog…

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Styling Strategies Sandi Mele Styling Strategies Sandi Mele

Spring Cleaning Series (Part 1!): To Capsule or Not to Capsule? A Behind-the-Scenes Look at My Capsule Wardrobe

I’ve never been one for trends. If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed I don’t post many articles on the latest trends, colors, or runway fads. It’s been no different with the capsule wardrobe and minimalistic movement. In the past, the term “capsule wardrobe” has triggered an inward eye roll, and for several years, I insisted on using the term “wardrobe clustering” as my preferred terminology for mixing and matching items inside a closet. But in the usual Sandi way, I’ve finally come around to the concept of a capsule wardrobe.

Read part one of my spring cleaning series detailing all the ins and outs of a capsule wardrobe…

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